
The Darwin Decathlon rewards survival of the fittest through a grueling 10-event competition. Whether it is home run derby, washers, or beer pong, all of the events demand the utmost mastery of non-athletic pursuits. We have designed this epic event to establish who has the suburban skills necessary to be deteremined ultimate champion. While some have questions the event as grown men simply acting like children, contestants know that this is a noble endeavor unlike any other in human history.

2023 marks the 6th tournament at the Vacek Ranch and this year we are starting on Cinco de Mayo!

Darwin Decathlon Event Schedule


Event Day/Time Activity Details
1 Day 1 10:00am Skeet Most hits out of 25 clay targets
2 Day 1 12:00pm Home Run Derby Most home runs out of 10 swings
3 Day 1 2:00pm Washers Classic ice house game - throw washers through the hole
4 Day 1 4:00pm Disc Golf A round in the country - lowest score wins
5 Day 1 6:00pm Kan Jam Team precision frisbee
6 Day 2 10:00am Shooting Gallery Shoot clay targets out of tree with .22
7 Day 2 12:00pm Golf Longest Ball 5 shots to get furthest fairway drive
8 Day 2 2:00pm Kickball Put me in coach, I'm ready to kick!
9 Day 2 4:00pm Corn Hole Win and you might get sponsored by Johnsonville brats
10 Day 2 6:00pm Beer Pong Grand finale to determine champion


Each event has 55 points up for grabs. Winner of the event gets 10 points, 2nd place gets 9 points, 3rd place gets 8. This scale continues down to 10th place getting a single point. Pair events split the points. See tables below for points awarded in each ranking.

Single Events

Pair Events

Place Points
1st 10
2nd 9
3rd 8
4th 7
5th 6
6th 5
7th 4
8th 3
9th 2
10th 1
11th or below 0
Place Points
1st 9.5
2nd 7.5
3rd 5.5
4th 3.5
5th 1.5
6th or below 0

For pair events, the current point leader chooses their partner first, then 2nd place picks, etc. Players may not pick anyone in the top half of contestants. If an odd number of players exist, the last place player must play solo (aka natural selection!).

Event Links